Social Media Management

Social Media Management

Rs 40,000

Duration: 6 months
Eligibility: Any Graduate 
NSDC Qualification Pack / Job Role: Social Media Manager

Course Contents

  • Social Media Past & Present
  • Social Media Platforms and Social Network Sites
  • Social Media and Marketing
  • The Outcasts of Social Media: Blogs, Videos, Wikis, and More
  • Discussion, News, Social Bookmarking, and Q&A Sites
  • Content Marketing: Publishing Articles, White Papers, and EBooks
  • Video Marketing
  • Marketing with Photos Sharing Sites
  • Social Media for Interpersonal Communication
  • Social Media and Marketing
  • Social Media and Academics
  • Social Media and the Workforce
  • Social Media and Democratization of Information
  • Social Media and Political Life
  • Capstone Project


Training Outcome

  • Create long-term and short-term strategy for social media marketing in sync with organizational objective and goal
  • Identify various steps in effective implementation of the organizational social media strategy
  • Identify various cost centers and prepare a budget for implementation of the social media strategy with adequate control
  • Develop a management information system by identifying various management control points and prepare analytic reports with key information for the management
  • Manage the team of executives effectively within the human resource guidelines of the organization
  • Maintain workplace health and safety”

Social Media Management is an attractive career option for graduates from any field. It’s also the perfect career for the up-and-coming tech-savvy job aspirant, looking for media jobs.
As a Social Media Manager, you can become skilled in making original content, managing posts and even responding to followers on social media for brands. A good course in Social Media Management must teach students everything ranging from social media platforms to Content Marketing.
With this necessity-based approach, the Social Media Management course at Aditya Centre of Excellence (ACE) provides one of the best media courses after graduation to pursue in Mumbai.
The curriculum includes everything that is desired in a Social Media Manager like networking with different social media platforms, learning about social media strategies that can help garner maximum exposure for the brand. Students are also encouraged to understand the needs of the client and work accordingly in a cost-efficient manner. With a thorough knowledge of marketing strategies for different platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc., students can ACE in this field and build a successful career in social media marketing management.
Aditya Centre of Excellence prepares students to take on all the intricate processes in Social Media Management with special focus on long-term and short-term strategic thinking that will benefit future employers.


The course is 6 months long.

  • What is the eligibility for this course?

Any graduate student can apply for the Social Media Management course.

  • Is the certification recognized by any authority?

Yes, every certification offered at Aditya Centre of Excellence is qualified by the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).

You can take on the job role of Social Media Manager after this course. Any graduate proficient in Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Google ad platforms are extremely valuable to new and established businesses alike.

  • I don’t have a background in Marketing. Is this course for me?

Experience in Marketing is not at all necessary to choose this course. Any graduate student can apply, learn and develop the relevant skills in 6 months.

  • Is this course an online course?

The Social Media Management course at ACE is unique in the sense that classes are conducted in hybrid mode i.e. both online and offline. This gives students the benefit of clearing doubts and queries with instructors in class, while also using the best of technology to learn business accounting and taxation course online.