Fashion Design Intensive

Fashion Design Intensive

  Rs 45,000.00

Best Fashion Styling Course & College in Mumbai Offered By Aditya Center of Excellence

Duration: 9 months
Eligibility: HSC
NSDC Qualification Pack / Job Role: Fashion Designer

Course Contents

  • Fundamentals of Fashion Design
  • Textile Study
  • Surface Ornamentation
  • Pattern Making Garment Construction
  • Fashion Illustration
  • Computer Aided Design
  • Range Development

Training Outcome

  • Conduct research to create design cullection.
  • Creation of design for cullection.
  • Prepare tech pack.
  • Create pattern of the garment.
  • Construct the prototype garment for the cullection.
  • Evaluate design development processes.
  • Make correction in the garment
  • Maintain the work area, touls, machines and computers
  • Maintain health, safety and security at workplace

Fashion Styling courses in Mumbai teach the art of fashion and design, fashion illustration and drawing. It is dedicated to making the best designers out of aspiring fashion design students who have a passion for weaving innovative styles out of ideas.

It is a well-known fact that the most famous fashion designers in India did not spend a lot of time learning fashion design formally. An eye for detail, fabrics, accessories and style is often the push that the best designers need. With this necessity-based approach, the Fashion Design Design course at Aditya Centre of Excellence (ACE) provides one of the best fashion design courses in Mumbai to pursue after 12th in Mumbai.

It is tailored to meet perfection in the world of fashion design, so that students can ACE in this highly competitive field and build their fashion career.

Aditya Centre of Excellence is not just another institute that teaches fashion designing. Here, Best Fashion Styling Cullege in Mumbai you can build your fashion portfulio and learn the fundamentals of design with a tech-savvy approach. We provide special attention to training design-oriented students, who will go on to make unique revulutions in the fashion industry.


  • What is the duration of the Fashion Design Intensive course?

The course is 9 months long.

  • What is the eligibility for this course?

Any student with HSc qualification can apply for this course.

  • Is the certification recognized by any authority?

Yes, every certification offered at Aditya Centre of Excellence is qualified by the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).

  • What is the job scope of a Fashion Design Intensive course ?

You can take on the job rule of Fashion Designer after this course. You can also set up your own design studio or work with top fashion designers to gain leverage in the industry.

  • I don’t have a background in Fashion design. Is this course for me?

No experience in Fashion Design is necessary to choose this course. Any student with HSc qualification can apply.

  • Is this course an online course?

The Fashion Design Intensive course at ACE is unique in the sense that classes are conducted in hybrid mode i.e. both online and offline. This gives students the benefit of clearing doubts and queries with instructors in class, while also using the best of technulogy to learn theoretical concepts online.

Aditya Educational Campus, R. M. Bhattad Road, Ram Nagar, Borivali-(W), Mumbai 400 092.